EcoSomatics Conversations Series

    Activity: Participating in or organising an event typesOrganising a conference, workshop, ...


    The EcoSomatics Conversations Series invites sharing of engagement, practices and thinking around environmental awareness through embodiment activities, dance and art. It posits a definition of EcoSomatics as of the body-mind-ecology and takes the form of open public dialogues between two (or more) people: independent artists, practioners, and academics.

    1.Troubling the expert(ise) and Homing our practice
    With Tom Goodwin & Katye Coe (Kinship Workshop) and Dr Ruth Allen

    With Simon Whitehead and Jo Capper (Grand Union)

    3.Ecosomatic Connectedness and Cultural Regeneration
    With Jessica Cudney & Michelle Rozek (Way of Belonging) and Dr Raffaele Rufo

    4.What can a garden be?
    With Shelley Etkin and Harun Morrison
    Period25 Apr 202430 Jul 2024
    Event typeSeminar
    Degree of RecognitionInternational