REF2021 UoA27_ICS_B Developing automated linguistic analysis and annotation tools to support collaborative learning, professional translation, policy making and HE management decisions

    Impact: Other impacts

    Description of impact

    Our online WebCorp, eMargin and OurSurveySays tools bridge significant gaps in textual analysis, enabling novel teaching practices and enhanced insights from otherwise unmanageably large datasets. With over 5000 monthly users in 190 countries, our software has:

    facilitated data-driven language teaching in HE institutions around the world

    augmented English language teaching in German secondary schools

    enriched the teaching of literary analysis and textual interpretation in HE, FE and schools, with particular growth during the COVID-19 pandemic

    improved the accuracy and efficiency of professional translation services

    enabled the Belgian and Alicantian chapters of Podemos to formulate political policy

    informed decision making by university planners and management at five UK institutions
    Impact date20042020
    Category of impactOther impacts