Personal profile
Research and Innovation interests
There are several strands to my research.
My practical research broadly addresses the relationship between images and objects, interrogating the shifts in status that occur when when familiar images and forms are translated into different materials, scales or contexts. This research recently manifested itself in public exhibition in Palfrey Space in London earlier this year, building on previous public exhibitions at The New Art Gallery Walsall (2017), Outpost (2017) and Gallery Celine (2019). In addition, this research has also been shared within the university as part of The School of Art Lecture Series and through visiting lectures at the University of Coventry and the Freelands Foundation Annual Symposium.
street where funded by Arts Council England (£10,000)
street where is a current research project funded by Arts Council England. The project investigates how artworks can exist and operate outside a traditional gallery context. Central to the project is the creation of range of wearable artworks inspired by the urban environment. The project questions the role and status of both artwork and artist, whilst also exploring how the city might be a source and site for artistic production. The project will manifest itself in a public presentation of work and a publication, both interrogating how and where an audience might experience art.
Recent Activity funded by Arts Council England (£26,000)
Recent Activity is a curatorial research project that challenges how contemporary art is displayed and exhibited. Originally a collaboration with artist Andrew Lacon, the project has delivered a programme of 61 public exhibitions since 2015, exploring methods of collaborative practice and audience engagement. Working with a wide of range of collaborators, from emerging practitioners to internationally recognised artists, the project successfully activates audiences and contexts to investigate how and where art might be experienced.
Nomadic Vitrine, a Recent Activity project
Nomadic Vitrine has been a crucial component of my curatorial research. The project invites artists to respond to a glass display case, which changes location with every iteration. Presented across a range of contexts, including social spaces, educational institutions, an expat community centre and retail spaces, the project utilises a traditional method of display (the vitrine) in a radical way. Activating “non-art” spaces, the project engages with debates around social class and the diversity of audiences. This research is important in understanding how artists might explore different vehicles and sites for their ideas and how audiences engage with exhibitions outside a familiar or unfamiliar, traditional gallery environment.
Education/Academic qualification
MA History of Art, 2:1, University of Cambridge
Award Date: 10 May 2010
BA Fine Art, 1st, University of Oxford
Award Date: 18 Jun 2009
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