Accepting PhD Students


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Research and Innovation interests

Andrew Kehoe is Professor of Corpus Linguistics and REF Unit 
of Assessment Lead for English (UoA27). He has qualifications 
in both English and Computer Science, and has for over 20 
years worked on a series of UKRI-funded projects in the field of 
Corpus Linguistics: the automated analysis of patterns and 
trends in large text collections to discover how language is used 
by different groups in society. Andrew leads the Research &
Development Unit for English Studies (RDUES), an 
interdisciplinary team developing software tools which are used 
by hundreds of thousands of people worldwide to analyse textual 
data in research, teaching and commercial contexts.

Andrew has a particular interest in the analysis of online data, 
including news articles, blogs, social media and e-commerce. 
The RDUES team developed the WebCorp search engine with 
EPSRC and AHRC funding (2000-11) to allow users to extract 
examples of language use from such online data. Andrew also 
led the development of the eMargin collaborative text annotation
tool, funded by Jisc from 2011-13. eMargin was originally 
designed for the close reading of literary texts but now has over 
15,000 registered users across disciplines worldwide. 

Education/Academic qualification

English Linguistics , PhD, Harnessing the web as a source of linguistic data , Birmingham City University

Award Date: 4 May 2016

Computer Science, 7.5: Masters Degree - Taught (UK Institution), University of Liverpool

Award Date: 1 Oct 1999

English Language & Literature , BA (Hons), University of Liverpool

Award Date: 1 Oct 1998

External positions

Peer Review College Member, Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC)

Treasurer / Executive Committee Member, University English


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