PNF4893 Economic modelling of AMR (EcoAMR) burden and antimicrobial use in livestock and aquaculture

Project Details

Layman's description

The use of antibiotics in livestock production are complex. Such antibiotics play a role in the safe production of affordable food while maintaining good animal health standards. However, many of the pathogens present in animals are also present in humans and overuse of antibiotics in animals can play a role in developing resistant pathogens that impacts on animal and human health. Contact between humans and animals can be direct but also occur through the environment (e.g., manure or waste products leaching into soil and water) and food itself.

The economic impact of Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) on humans has received considerable attention in the existing literature, however, studies considering the economic impacts of AMR in the livestock sectors are scarce. The underlying pathways on how changes in antimicrobial usage and resistance impacts these sectors are not explicitly considered.

The modelling work in this study aims to generate new evidence on the economic pathways and burden of AMR in the food animal production. Furthermore, by analysing the effects of different interventions, it aims to develop an evidence based for an economic and investment case for action against AMR.
Short titleAMR in livestock and aquaculture
Effective start/end date1/10/231/12/24

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