329 A qualitative study: mindful eating attitudes and behaviours in a cystic fibrosis population

H.H. Egan, M. Mantzios, E.F. Nash, J. Barrett, A.M. Regan

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


    Objectives: Nutritional status and weight are closely linked to lung function and health status in CF. The investigation of eating behaviours in non-clinical populations has resulted in interventions incorporating mindfulness practices that have proved useful in modifying eating behaviours, particularly with obesity, however there is no research that specifically explores these concepts within a CF population. Methods: Adult patients (n = 20, m = 8, age range 21-62 years) were recruited from a UK CF regional centre to take part in a qualitative semi-structured interview. Attitudes and experiences of eating with a focus on the use of mindful (or mindless) eating as barriers and enablers to achieving and maintaining optimal nutritional status were explored. Data was analysed using a contextualist approach. Results: Participants engaged readily in discussions of eating behaviour describing active self-regulation of food eaten and calorie intake. Participants who struggled to maintain weight employed strategies to increase calorie intake including: Not being involved in food preparation using take-away, eating out, or partners preparing food, eating "easy" foods such as yoghurt and soup, eating food they "fancied" and eating sweet high calorie food that was "not healthy". Distraction and multitasking such as eating whilst watching a film were also used in order to eat "enough" calories. Several participants reported no pleasure in food, describing eating as another treatment to endure. Confusion existed around healthy eating messages with tension between eating sufficient calories and consideration of health in terms of diabetes, cholesterol and heart disease. Conclusion: Participants were highly aware of their behaviours, engaging in intentional and deliberate preparations, which could be described as mindful, for making eating a more automatic or mindless activity. Modifications to usual mindful eating interventions may be needed to support people with CF.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)S147
    JournalJournal of Cystic Fibrosis
    Publication statusPublished (VoR) - 2017


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