A critical review of the circular economy within the construction industry

N. Johns, Saeed Talebi, Michail Kagioglou

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


    The purpose of this paper is to critically review the current body of knowledge on the Circular Economy (CE) within the construction industry to identify gaps in knowledge and areas in which to prioritise future research. The methodology utilised followed a review of the core literature and government documents surrounding the CE as a whole and the CE in the context of the construction industry. The findings in this research revealed that frameworks and business models for CE implementation are present but they are still in their infancy, and they require application analysis to determine the impact and feasibility in practice. In other words, sufficient theoretical knowledge has been generated to move into the next phase, that is, practically applying the CE within the construction industry, and then analysing the impact value. The contribution of this paper to knowledge is threefold: (i) the progress and limitations of prior studies on the CE in the construction industry are revealed, (ii) the barriers to CE implementation within the construction industry are analysed to provide insight into the reasons hindering the development and application of the CE in the construction industry, (iii) analysis of current literature and barriers of the CE within construction provides novice researchers and practitioners with a pivotal basis for the development of effective solutions in the development, application, and transition to a CE in the construction industry. Sufficient research has been generated to move into the next phase of research; testing theory by practically applying and analysing the CE within the construction industry. Future research should aim to practically apply theory to analyse the impact value in which to reinforce government and organisation decision making in the development and transition to a CE.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished (VoR) - 31 Dec 2022


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