Classroom Observation: A Guide to the Effective Observation of Teaching and Learning – Second Edition

    Research output: Book/ReportBook


    Building on recent changes and debates surrounding the use of observation, this fully updated second edition of Classroom Observation explores the role of lesson observation in the preparation, assessment and professional learning of teachers, lecturers and educators at all levels and across all educational organisations. Offering practical guidance and detailed insights on an aspect of training that is a source of anxiety for many teachers, this thought-provoking book offers a critical analysis of the place, role and nature of lesson observation in the lives of education professionals.

    Updated to incorporate the latest research, policy and practical developments on observation, this new edition also includes greater coverage of research and developments in the field of observation beyond the UK. Enabling readers to use observation as a lens for understanding, informing and improving teaching and learning, and equipping them with structured frameworks for applying observation, this book includes sections on:

    Teacher autonomy and professional identity
    Performance management, professional standards and accountability
    Peer observation, self-observation and critical reflection
    Educational assessment and evaluation
    Peer-based models of observation
    Using digital technology to inform learning.
    Written for all student and practising teachers as well as teacher educators and those engaged in educational research, Classroom Observation is an essential introduction to how we observe, why we observe, and how it can be best used to improve teaching and learning.
    Original languageEnglish
    PublisherTaylor & Francis
    Number of pages262
    ISBN (Electronic)9781315630243
    ISBN (Print)9781138641914
    Publication statusPublished (VoR) - 3 Jun 2020


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