Composition as devised collaboration

Se�n Clancy, Andy Ingamells

    Research output: Other contribution


    The aim of this research was to explore devised collaboration between Seán Clancy and Andy Ingamells as a compositional process through the creation of two works that use collaborative creative strategies in different ways:

    1. in This is About, by devising all material through the act of doing, considering all material in a given process to be collaborative.

    2. in Antonio Guillem, by collaboratively constructing and performing a piece remotely over the internet, intended as a creative response to the pandemic by exploring technology in a novel way.

    This exposition provides contextual information to support the two creative outcomes.

    Both works borrow aspects from other areas of Clancy's practice research, such as intervention and translation (available here). Both were devised through discussion, creating material by moving back and forth between doing and reflecting. We explored the collaborative process through a kind of visual musique concrète arising from the images of performance situations. In both works the compositional process was scrutinised, reviewed by funding bodies and festival directors, and disseminated internationally by BBC Radio 3, Twitch and YouTube.
    Original languageEnglish
    PublisherResearch Catalogue
    Publication statusPublished (VoR) - 18 Dec 2020


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