Deurbanization and the right to the deurbanized city

Hossein Sadri (Corresponding / Lead Author), Senem Zeybekoglu Sadri (Corresponding / Lead Author)

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


    Cities are historically created as a col-laborative work of different generations and derive from the possibilities created by local and climatic conditions, social relations and culture. Today, urbaniza-tion may appear as a way of organizing everyday hierarchical, exclusive, dis-criminatory and exploitative life through industrialized mass production of tem-porary, privatized, homogenized, frag-mented, and power-oriented spaces. This mind-set and application generates several social and ecological problems. This article discusses the right to the city concept, and links it to the deurbaniza-tion approach as a social and ecological answer to the problems associated with current urban development. The meth-odology is supported by a review of the literature and an analysis of examples of works created in the De-Urban Design Studio. Results indicate that the deur-banization approach envisions creat-ing resilient, equitable, non-hierarchical cities composed of communities that replace consumption via harmony with nature, that replace individualism and competition via collaboration and solidar-ity, and that replace hegemonic relations via an equitable distribution of power.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)205
    Number of pages219
    JournalAnduli, Revista Andaluza de Ciencias Sociales
    Publication statusPublished (VoR) - 2018


    • De-urbanization
    • De-urban design
    • Right to the city
    • City
    • Urbanization


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