Original language | English |
Pages (from-to) | 997-1008 |
Number of pages | 12 |
Journal | J. Clean. Prod. |
Volume | 162 |
DOIs | |
Publication status | Published (VoR) - 2017 |
- Biodiesel
- Cold-start
- Fuel oxygen content
- Particle size distribution
- PM
- PN
- Biofuels
- Diesel engines
- Engine cylinders
- Engines
- Nitrogen oxides
- Particle size
- Particle size analysis
- Promethium
- Cold start
- Common rail injection system
- Comparative studies
- Diesel engine emissions
- Engine operating conditions
- Engine operations
- Fuel-oxygen
- Nucleation mode particles
- Fuels
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- Author
- Harvard
- Standard
- Vancouver
In: J. Clean. Prod., Vol. 162, 2017, p. 997-1008.
Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
T1 - Diesel engine emissions with oxygenated fuels: A comparative study into cold-start and hot-start operation
T2 - Journal of Cleaner Production
AU - Zare, A.
AU - Nabi, M.N.
AU - Bodisco, T.A.
AU - Hossain, F.M.
AU - Rahman, M.M.
AU - Chu Van, T.
AU - Ristovski, Z.D.
AU - Brown, R.J.
N1 - Cited By :62 Export Date: 17 February 2023 CODEN: JCROE Correspondence Address: Zare, A.; Biofuel Engine Research Facility, Australia Funding details: Australian Research Council, ARC, LP110200158 References: Ahmed, S., Hassan, M.H., Kalam, M.A., Ashrafur Rahman, S.M., Abedin, M.J., Shahir, A., An experimental investigation of biodiesel production, characterization, engine performance, emission and noise of Brassica juncea methyl ester and its blends (2014) J. Clean. 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PY - 2017
Y1 - 2017
KW - Biodiesel
KW - Cold-start
KW - Fuel oxygen content
KW - Particle size distribution
KW - Biofuels
KW - Diesel engines
KW - Engine cylinders
KW - Engines
KW - Nitrogen oxides
KW - Particle size
KW - Particle size analysis
KW - Promethium
KW - Cold start
KW - Common rail injection system
KW - Comparative studies
KW - Diesel engine emissions
KW - Engine operating conditions
KW - Engine operations
KW - Fuel-oxygen
KW - Nucleation mode particles
KW - Fuels
U2 - 10.1016/j.jclepro.2017.06.052
DO - 10.1016/j.jclepro.2017.06.052
M3 - Article
SN - 0959-6526
VL - 162
SP - 997
EP - 1008
JO - J. Clean. Prod.
JF - J. Clean. Prod.
ER -