Effect of waistline position of clothing on perceived attractiveness: KEER2020 8th International Confrence on Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research

K. Kim, K. Numakura, Hye-Won Lim, M. Takatera

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaper


    We investigated the effects of the relationship between the waistline of clothing and the body on the appearance of clothing using a sensory test with Japanese and British participants. Using a three-dimensional clothing simulator, an avatar and five dresses with different clothing waistline (CWL) parameters were created. Evaluation by Japanese participants revealed that a dress for which the CWL position fit the body waistline (BWL) of the wearer was evaluated as being unwrinkled, while the dress with a higher CWL position was evaluated as constricted, slim, and beautiful. However, British participants evaluated dresses for which the CWL position fit the wearer?s BWL and the CWL was 1 cm higher than the wearer?s BWL; these dresses were evaluated as slim, and having a beautiful silhouette. Therefore, the results suggested that there is a specific type of waistline for clothing that is perceived as the most attractive, and this differs between Japanese and British participants. When designing a dress, it is necessary to identify the most suitable position of the waistline to maximize attractiveness, taking into account the consumers? Kansei in each country.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished (VoR) - 8 Sept 2020


    • Clothing appearance
    • Sensory test
    • Waistline
    • Three-dimensional clothing
    • Japanese and British


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