Genetic studies of body mass index yield new insights for obesity biology

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    3265 Citations (SciVal)
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)197-206
    Number of pages10
    Issue number7538
    Publication statusPublished (VoR) - 12 Feb 2015


    FundersFunder number
    National Institutes of Health
    National Institute on Drug AbuseR21DA027040
    National Institute on AgingR01AG033193, R01AG025941, R01AG041517, U01AG049505, U01AG009740, ZIAAG000675
    National Heart, Lung, and Blood InstituteR01HL105756, R01HL109946, T32HL007824, R01HL117078, K01HL116770, R01HL117626, T32HL007055, P30HL107251
    National Human Genome Research InstituteU01HG007376, U01HG007416, U01HG007419, U01HG007417
    National Cancer InstituteP30CA071789, UM1CA182910, UM1CA182913, U01CA164930
    National Institute of General Medical SciencesT32GM080178, P30GM103341, R25GM062459, T32GM007814
    National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney DiseasesR01DK072193, P30DK072488, R01DK062370, P30DK020572, R01DK089256, P30DK063491, P30DK020541, R01DK075787, R01DK078150, K23DK080145, R01DK093757
    National Institute of Neurological Disorders and StrokeR01NS017950
    National Center for Advancing Translational SciencesUL1TR000124, TL1TR001066, UL1TR001067
    National Institute on Minority Health and Health DisparitiesP20MD006899
    Horizon 2020 Framework Programme692065, 692145
    Medical Research CouncilG0601261, MR/N01104X/1, MC_UP_A100_1003, MR/K002414/1, MC_UU_12015/5, MC_UU_12019/1, MC_U106179472, G0600717, MC_UU_12015/2, MC_UU_12015/1, MR/K013351/1, MR/L003120/1, G9521010, MC_UU_12013/1, MC_UU_12012/1, G19/35, G0401527, G1001799, MR/K006584/1, G0902037, MC_PC_U127561128, G0100222, G1000616
    Economic and Social Research CouncilES/J023299/1, ES/F02679X/1
    Schweizerischer Nationalfonds zur Förderung der Wissenschaftlichen Forschung152578, 143914


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