Funders | Funder number |
National Institutes of Health |
National Institute on Drug Abuse | R21DA027040 |
National Institute on Aging | R01AG033193, R01AG025941, R01AG041517, U01AG049505, U01AG009740, ZIAAG000675 |
National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute | R01HL105756, R01HL109946, T32HL007824, R01HL117078, K01HL116770, R01HL117626, T32HL007055, P30HL107251 |
National Human Genome Research Institute | U01HG007376, U01HG007416, U01HG007419, U01HG007417 |
National Cancer Institute | P30CA071789, UM1CA182910, UM1CA182913, U01CA164930 |
National Institute of General Medical Sciences | T32GM080178, P30GM103341, R25GM062459, T32GM007814 |
National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases | R01DK072193, P30DK072488, R01DK062370, P30DK020572, R01DK089256, P30DK063491, P30DK020541, R01DK075787, R01DK078150, K23DK080145, R01DK093757 |
National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke | R01NS017950 |
National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences | UL1TR000124, TL1TR001066, UL1TR001067 |
National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities | P20MD006899 |
Horizon 2020 Framework Programme | 692065, 692145 |
Medical Research Council | G0601261, MR/N01104X/1, MC_UP_A100_1003, MR/K002414/1, MC_UU_12015/5, MC_UU_12019/1, MC_U106179472, G0600717, MC_UU_12015/2, MC_UU_12015/1, MR/K013351/1, MR/L003120/1, G9521010, MC_UU_12013/1, MC_UU_12012/1, G19/35, G0401527, G1001799, MR/K006584/1, G0902037, MC_PC_U127561128, G0100222, G1000616 |
Economic and Social Research Council | ES/J023299/1, ES/F02679X/1 |
Schweizerischer Nationalfonds zur Förderung der Wissenschaftlichen Forschung | 152578, 143914 |