Girls' Bedroom Cultures

Daniel Ashton, Karen Patel

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter


    This entry examines the bedroom as a gendered site of cultural production. Building from McRobbie's contributions establishing the importance of the bedroom as space for teenage consumer culture among young women, this entry focuses on production. First, this involves seeing the bedroom as a space in which girls can engage with and make sense of culture, and as a space in which that engagement can be understood as productive. Following this, Kearney's scholarship on media production technologies, including film production and editing and zine making, is introduced and evaluated in light of Banet?Weiser's account of postfeminist self?branding. The entry concludes with examining girls' bedrooms as micro?celebrity sites. While the Internet and social media have opened up opportunities for girls and women to participate in cultural production, particularly through beauty vlogging and blogging, there remains the imperative for women to engage in the labor of self?beautification McRobbie's early work critiqued.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationThe International Encyclopedia of Gender, Media, and Communication
    EditorsKaren Ross
    ISBN (Print)9781119429104
    Publication statusPublished (VoR) - 3 Mar 2020


    • bedroom cultures
    • gender
    • micro-celebrity
    • postfeminism
    • social media


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