How research into citizenship education at university might enable transformative human rights education

Piers von Berg (Corresponding / Lead Author)

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


    This article presents a new research design for pedagogical research at university. The design demonstrates how personal and cultural citizenship education can be a form of transformative human rights education by nurturing citizens who challenge patterns of exclusion. It draws on shared traditions of citizenship and human rights education that have focused on lived experiences of injustice and uses spaces that mitigate prevailing power structures. These ideas have shaped a new pedagogical action research design that uses theories and practices of transformational learning, authentic reflection, and participatory theatre to stimulate ‘becomings’ in civic identity and agency. ‘Becoming’ is a form of dialogical knowledge arising from profound moments of empathy and solidarity. In these moments participants recognise the human dignity of excluded others and share experiences of injustice, which expands their sense of community and agency. The research design is a potential alternative to more market-driven global citizenship education at university.
    Original languageEnglish
    Number of pages22
    JournalHuman Rights Education Review
    Publication statusPublished (VoR) - 2023


    • Civic identity and agency
    • higher education
    • pedagogical research
    • personal and cultural citizenship education
    • transformative human rights education


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