Loop Until Escape (film) , Giant Hand Eats Building from the Inside (publication) and Heat Escapes, live work (cancelled due to pandemic context): Artists book and film for Sarah Wigglesworth Architects (SWA) exhibition, Architecture week

Rebecca Shaw (Artist)

    Research output: Non-textual formExhibition


    During 2019 Shaw spent three months as artist in residence at Sarah Wigglesworth Architects London. Shaw spent time working in a speculative and open way of working, including exploring architects’ drawings, office equipment, models, material samples, images, technologies, screens, and architects movements as they worked. This led to an examination of the multiple juxtapositions made by architects- ‘joins’ that were both social and material, and an exploration of where body, building and image connect and separate. This was explored in a three-work collection: 1. The live work ‘Heat Escapes’ which invited visitors to examine where their bodies and buildings begin and end by playing with a live thermal imaging feed. They could play with the ‘cool’ of the private view drinks and explore how this could merge with the ‘warm sociability’ of the gathering. 2. ‘Loop Until Escape’, a series of ppts installed into the office environment of SWA. This was a gently intrusive intervention into the space, examining how body, image and building merge, and also the repetitive and demanding work of architects. The ppts draw together diverse materials including screenshots of architects’ desktops, bodies trying to step into space, and multiple windows. This was developed into a 4-screen film made with Holm Films. 3. Giant Hand Eats Building from the Inside is a publication of image with headlines made in collaboration with writer Emma Bolland, and designed by dust collective. The images are still but the captions re-animate activities, implying that the materials have an energetic life. These lively eruptions explore the possibility of puncturing the seriousness and weight of routine labour, the institutional construction of what ‘proper’ or ‘good’ is, and to lift the supressing and subduing forces of work.
    Original languageEnglish
    Media of outputFilm
    Publication statusPublished (VoR) - 19 Sept 2022


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