Performance evaluation of MBA-OLSR routing protocol for MANETs

Waheb A. Jabbar*, Mahamod Ismail, Rosdiadee Nordin

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    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    20 Citations (SciVal)


    This paper proposes a multipath battery aware routing protocol, namely,MBA-OLSR, based on OLSRv2 and its multipath extension. The proposed approach considers the remaining battery energy of the nodes for calculating the initial cost of the multiple links between source-destination pairs. The MBA-OLSR aims to construct energy efficient routes and extend the network lifetime to avoid network failure due to battery exhaustion. The protocol performance is evaluated in different simulation scenarios of wireless mobile ad hoc networks(MANETs) environment.The simulation results demonstrate that our approach can achieve longer network lifetime and lower energy cost per packet. In addition, the results show improvement in terms of packet delivery ratio and end-toend delay.
    Original languageEnglish
    Article number951638
    JournalJournal of Computer Networks and Communications
    Publication statusPublished (VoR) - 2014


    FundersFunder number
    Ministry of Higher EducationLRGS/TD/2011/UKM/ICT/02/02


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