Removing Barriers to Share Knowledge in Digital Transformation with LEGO Serious Play: 21st European Conference on Knowledge Management

Sharon Cox, Deborah Evans

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaper


    Digital transformation involves the use of technology to change the way organisations and industries operate. The success of digital transformation relies on cultural change; the willingness and ability of employees to share their knowledge and create a shared vision of the organisation. Individual barriers to share knowledge, such as lack of trust and communication skills; and organisational barriers to share knowledge such as organisation structure, culture and communication mechanisms; limit transformational change and are well documented. Storytelling is an established means to share knowledge. LEGO� Serious Play� (LSP) is a method that facilitates storytelling and initiates conversations, enabling tacit knowledge to be shared. The aim of this paper is to evaluate the effectiveness of the LSP method to reduce the known barriers to knowledge sharing and construct a shared meaningful context for transformational change in a UK SME. The LSP method was used by trained LSP facilitators in a series of workshops involving all employees in the organisation. Each workshop culminated with a LEGO� model and a video recording explaining the model. Feedback was gathered from participants about their perspective on knowledge sharing. Six months later, the organisation?s CEO was interviewed to determine the effectiveness of the method in facilitating sustained changes in knowledge sharing behaviour. The use of the LSP method removed barriers to share knowledge by creating a trusting environment and providing an effective means for open communication in which everyone had an equal voice. The workshops produced a tangible shared model of the vision for the organisation in which all employees were invested. The playful nature of the method used is deceptive, concealing the rich and complex knowledge sharing processes, and the depth of cultural, organisational and individual transformation experienced during the workshops. LSP is a low-technology method that removes the barriers to share knowledge through cultural change, providing a shared vision for effective digital transformation.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished (VoR) - 31 Dec 2020


    • knowledge sharing
    • LEGO Serious Play
    • storytelling
    • digital transformation
    • shared vision
    • cultural change


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