
    Research output: Non-textual formExhibition


    Supershopjackets, a series of photographs of the paper covers used by local councils to cover vacant retail spaces. Nestled amongst the very ordinary shops of her local High Street – pound shops, vape shops, discount supermarkets – these images project an aspirational lifestyle aimed as much at luring would be retailers as hiding the gaps in once thriving shopping frontages. Over the past five years, Shaw has passed through her local town centre with her children, becoming an afficionado of the form: “We pose as dummies in fashion shops, we attempt to sit on rendered chairs, to read blank books, hide amongst the flowers and grab handbags”, recasting these images and this place as a space to perform and activate other kinds of dreaming.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished (VoR) - 25 Sept 2022


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