Tart Cards: London's illicit advertising art

    Research output: Book/ReportBook


    In London, sex has been sold through advertising cards posted in phone boxes since the early 1980s. Some 13 million cards are produced each year, and at any one time more than 700 phone booths in Central London are used as ad hoc hoardings, advertising the whole gamut of deviance and desire. The range of ?services? offered by the cards depicted in this work range from A to V.I.P. Among the range of often esoteric services on offer are such delights as Sub, Dom, TV Shoplifters, Baby Cosseting and Busty, Black or Blonde. Tracing the history of these ephemeral items, Tart Cards provides an opportunity to explore a real example of the evolution of vernacular design and an insight into a sexual netherworld.
    Original languageEnglish
    Place of PublicationNew York
    PublisherMark Batty Publishers
    ISBN (Print)0972424040
    Publication statusPublished (VoR) - 1 Jan 2003


    • London
    • sex
    • technology
    • graphic design
    • type
    • typography
    • printing
    • communication


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