The Ethics of Remote Warfare

    Research output: Book/ReportBookpeer-review


    The Ethics of Remote Warfare addresses ethical dilemmas in war arising from technological progress: air attacks and drone warfare. Have we found new, moral, ways of fighting wars? Or produced ‘sanitised’ versions of the same wars? Or is morality not applicable to war? Moreover, how do the new types of warfare fit into our democratic political systems and to what extent do they undermine human security and violate human rights? The book explores the ethics of warfare in the context of an increasingly remote way of fighting enemies, by examining the advantages and the ethics of remote killing through engagement with three schools of thought on the morality of military force: realism, militarism and just war theory. Two case studies – the US War on Terror and the Russia-Ukraine war – will be used to illustrate and evaluate the ethical dilemmas and claims regarding the less deadly and more ethical nature of remote warfare.
    Original languageEnglish
    PublisherUniversity of Wales Press
    Number of pages211
    ISBN (Electronic)9781837721634
    ISBN (Print)9781837721627
    Publication statusPublished (VoR) - 15 Nov 2024

    Publication series

    NamePolitical Philosophy Now
    PublisherUniversity of Wales Press


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