Transforming Towns: Designing for Smaller Communities

Matthew Jones

Research output: Book/ReportBook


Transforming Towns explores the role of contemporary architecture in creating thriving smaller communities across the UK and beyond. The book will explore how new, contemporary architecture can contribute to creation of thriving and resilient small communities. It addresses a lack of practical guidance for architects and designers working in towns and villages and promotes a place-specific, sustainable approach to living, working and playing in small communities in the 21st century. This book aims to shift the narrative from sustaining and conserving to re-thinking and championing our small settlements. Through illustrated case studies drawn from the UK and Europe, it will explore how the challenges faced by smaller communities can be overcome through sensitivity, creativity, collaboration and long-term stewardship. The projects illustrated will demonstrate the possibilities of working in historic fabrics, creatively engaging local people, re-connecting town centres to their surroundings and integrating a mix of uses into town centres. Highlighting key lessons and design principles from each case study, the book will give practitioners at smaller practices the tools to take the lead in creating big visions for our small communities.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationLondon
PublisherRIBA Publishing
ISBN (Print)9781859469064
Publication statusPublished (VoR) - 1 Sept 2020


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