What do women want from their inflammatory bowel disease team during pregnancy?

Helen Janiszewski, Lisa Younge, Joanne Cooper, Jane Coad, Gordon W Moran, Claire Greenaway, Elizabeth Bailey

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


    Background: Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) can increase the risk of pregnancy-related complications such as preterm birth, small for gestational age babies, gestational diabetes and caesarean section. Severe disease activity during pregnancy can further increase said complications. Pregnancy care pathways for women living with IBD may vary depending on the service provision available. While some women can have established relationships with IBD teams, others may have not. Aims and methods: This study aimed to understand the factors and influences that have shaped women?s experiences of pregnancy when living with IBD, as well as explore components of maternity care pathways. Women?s experiences were obtained through an online survey and a series of one-to-one interviews. Results: This mixed-methods study provides original first-hand insights into what women want from their IBD team during pregnancy, with novel themes identified regarding a need for information about what to expect about their disease activity during pregnancy and reassurance about medication use. Discussion: Without discussion of such possible disease activity in pregnancy, women may make assumptions based upon ?hearsay? or have expectations that may not be accurate within the context of their personal experience of disease severity. Women with IBD may also experience additional unnecessary negative psychological or physical effects if evidence-based information is not given about medication. Woman may stop taking medication, risking increased disease activity, or experience additional anxiety about the perceived effects that medication may have on their baby. Conclusions: The provision of specialist IBD care during pregnancy may vary according to service provider; however the IBD multidisciplinary team can be central to ensuring women receive optimal evidence-based care in a timely manner during pregnancy. This will help ensure women feel able to make informed decisions about their care, and avoid experiencing additional psychological and physical effects.
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalGastrointestinal Nursing
    Issue numberSup 10
    Publication statusPublished (VoR) - 9 Dec 2024


    • childbirth
    • Crohn's disease
    • inflammatory bowel disease
    • pregnancy
    • ulcerative colitis


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