What is the current situation regarding knowledge on postural care amongst nursing students at Birmingham City University?

Andrea Page, Sarah Clayton

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


    Postural care should be an integral part of the healthcare that a person with disabilities receives (Hill and Goldsmith, 2008). It is an aspect of care in which the authors believe nurses working within a multi-professional team should be both competent and confident to deliver. The Department of Health (DH) publication Raising our sights; services for adults with profound and intellectual disabilities recommends that National Health Service bodies should ensure they provide a service which not only recognises postural care issues, but intervenes effectively (Mansell, 2010). It is the authors? opinion that university education also has a role to play in meeting learning needs, so that nurses from all four fields of nursing can provide safe and high-quality care. Many current UK nursing programmes do not contain standard content on postural care within their curricula.
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalPosture and Mobility Group Journal
    Publication statusPublished (VoR) - 6 Oct 2016


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